Food has always been a passion of mine. Please join me as I hit spots around the world in search of great meals.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

K-Town, Futbol, and Dessert

I had a good time in Corea (some of you know it as Korea). I took some photos of the food there but I was also there to witness a world cup game and how they get down in the K-Town. Let me tell you, it was an experience to say the least. Enjoy the photos, yo. Oh, look at how crazy the fans are and this was all over a tie with France. Could you imagine if they were to have won.

Oh, for my food. The plates you see are a variety of dishes that were served. The many little plates are brought to you before you start your meal. They can vary on what they consist of but there is always some kimchi in one of them. The soup was my main dish. Most of the Korean soups are also main was a heavy soup but very tasty. The desert you see is shaved ice with beans ontop. I know, I know, sounds really odd, but the beans were sweet in a way. Then they add some mixed fruit and a scoop of Ice Cream. John "The General" Lee informed me that growing up it was only the shaved ice and beans...they have gotten rather fancy with the dish over the years.

* These pictures were really taken in Korea Town here in NYC. I can't lie to my one reader, thanks Mom for reading.

Monday, June 26, 2006

Random Post

I have wanted to hit Paris for some odd reason. Maybe it’s the book that I’m currently going through, The Paris Cook Book (look to right for picture) by, Patricia Wells. I really enjoy this book and she gives not only the story behind dishes but where she likes to eat these dishes, but they are easy enough to make at home (which is good news). At least she makes the dishes seem easy and for that I’m going to try a few when I get back from vacation next week.

My vacation to Mexico is going to be a taco-a-thon people. Sure I have been running and getting into shape, but when I arrive, I’m going to eat tacos like there is no tomorrow. Serious, I’m going to hit every taco stand possible. I will make sure and take some pictures of the food if my brand new digital camera.

So speaking of France, I wonder if all the things everyone tells me about how they treat non-French individuals is true? None the less, I think the food looks good and I’m sure I could find a few hole in the wall places that will serve me some good grub. Who knows, like I said, I’m just excited to go visit. Hopefully I will be making the trip this year. I don’t know, time will tell.

I do still have to post my pizza outing with Pinky, but that will come in time. I’m not sure if I want to write the post without putting up pictures. Even adding one picture of the food you are writing about can help people relate with the food. Thus, I’m excited about the damn camera! I just got word that the camera is in route, so look out people and come back to visit for some pictures.

Well since I wrote this both the arrival of the camera and trip to Mexico have happened. Now for the whole France trip. I still have been in deep thought about the trip, I do hope it happens but that will depend on where I am mentally to be honest, for some reason I’m all over the place at this point in time.

Watch King Kobayashi on July 4th

There is a TRADITION here in NYC on every July 4th and I hope you get the chance to catch it. I went one year and always tell myself that I will go back but I never get the chance. Check local listings for the time in your area. Yet, if memory serves me correctly, ESPN will cover it. Yes, this is the Grand Daddy of them all and this is the king:



Monday, June 19, 2006

Mas Comida Por Favor

The demands for more pictures from my friends have come, thus, here are more food pictures from Mexico.

The above picture was taken at Tacos Aribe. Basically guys who dress like Arabians serve you tacos. Very interesting concept and they are on the side of the road in a tent. The place is packed and everyone is eating their times considering everyone is sluring when they put in their order.


The above pictures are very special pictures and probably two of the more important ones of the trip. We took a trip to Tequila when we were in Guadalajara. Since we were with the biggest club promoter of Guadalajara we were given a special tour. The pictures above are of a special place where they store Reserva de la Familia. Yes, they ladeled the Tequila from the barrel to the sniffer for us. If you ever have the chance to sip this Tequila...let's just say it's a treat. Only special folks get to go in this room like heads of state and so forth. Yet, I was able to not only go there and sit with a nice tequila and sip on it, I was also allowed to sign my name on a barrel.

The above three pictures are another late night spot around my friends club. Needless to say that the food was delicious. They did this odd thing with these tacos, they melted the cheese on the grill and threw the meat on the cheese then they just let it cook there and threw it on the tortilla. Interesting way of doing it...I tend to see them throw the cheese on the tortilla first.

Comida de Mexico

I'm really particular about who I list on my food blog as a link. But my boy Biggles has been asking for a post. I wanted to give a huge food post about Mexico but I think sometimes pictures are worth a thousand words. So here you go and enjoy!!! I did add some notes.


This picture was taken by Danny at Tuffy's place who owned the place and is a good friend of Danny's. The Tequila bottle was complements of the house and of course the food was delicious. My battery to the camera went dead or else I would have shown you a picture of my fish dinner...yummy!





The three pictures above were pictures from La Casa de Pastor. Which is a new place that just opened up in Polanco. The food was good and if you look at the taco there is a piece of pineapple on it to offset the spicy flavor...nice combo.


I needed to take a picture of Mexican pan that was just out of the oven. Yummy...I had one of the little horns that were on the inside and there is nothing like fresh bread...I miss El Nopal which is my home bakery in Watsonville, Ca.



The next two pictures are of some steak we had in D.F. at an Argentine place. I forget the name at this point in time. It was a great dinner with great people and conversation. Too many topics were covered and in true Mexican fashion, we at here about 10:30 PM or so.



The above two pictures were the highlight of my food experience in Mexico to be honest. This is your real Mexican lunch/dinner. If you see there are little red tequila shot glasses...of course tequila in Mexico is sipped during dinner. My Dad would have been happy as heck at this comida. This reminded me of home when we just put a lot of little things together. I would love to thank the family who had us over for this dinner. I can't mention their names because they didn't give me the o.k. to do such, but thank you for the lunch, Frenchie!!!! Yes, it was a French man who put this lunch together for us...but in all honesty, he is really Mexican even if he doesn't know it yet.


This was my first meal upon my arrival to Guadalajara. A two dollar torta de pollo. This was at a bus stop and it was delicious, man. Nuff said.